Irasto Treatment Guidance

Hair Transplantation

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Introduction to Hair Transplant

Losing hair can be a deeply personal and distressing experience, impacting not just your appearance but also your self-esteem. Whether it’s a receding hairline, thinning, or bald patches, the effects are not merely superficial; they resonate on a psychological level too. But there is a silver lining – advancements in medical aesthetics have made hair restoration more effective and accessible than ever before.

A hair transplant isn’t just about regaining lost hair or altering appearances. It’s about reclaiming your confidence and the image you present to the world. This surgical procedure is a long-term solution that transplants hair from your denser areas to those with thinning or no hair. The results are natural-looking and, more importantly, sustainable over time.

With hair transplant techniques continuously evolving, providing better results and more comfortable experiences, the journey towards a fuller head of hair is now a reality for many. Our commitment is to guide you through this transformation with utmost care, ensuring that you are well-informed and confident about the path ahead.

Understanding Hair Loss

Hair loss, medically known as alopecia, can affect just your scalp or your entire body, and it can be temporary or permanent. It’s often the result of genetics, hormonal changes, medical conditions, or a normal part of aging. However, understanding hair loss is the first crucial step toward effective treatment and management.

Genetics:The most common cause of hair loss is a hereditary condition that happens with aging. This condition is known as androgenic alopecia, male-pattern baldness, and female-pattern baldness. It typically occurs gradually and in predictable patterns — a receding hairline and bald spots in men and thinning hair along the crown of the scalp in women.

Hormonal Changes and Medical Conditions: A variety of conditions can cause permanent or temporary hair loss, including hormonal changes due to pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, and thyroid problems. Medical conditions include alopecia areata, which is an immune system attacking hair follicles, and diseases such as lupus and diabetes.
Medications and Supplements: Hair loss can be a side effect of certain drugs, such as those used for cancer, arthritis, depression, heart problems, gout, and high blood pressure.

Dietary Factors: A diet lacking in protein, iron, and other nutrients can also lead to thinning hair.

Stress: Many people experience a general thinning of hair several months after a physical or emotional shock. This type of hair loss is temporary.

Understanding the underlying causes of your hair loss can help our specialists tailor the most effective treatment plan for you. Our approach is not just about treating hair loss but also understanding and addressing the root cause, ensuring you not only look better but also feel better overall.

What is Hair Transplant?

A hair transplant is a medical procedure that involves moving hair follicles from a part of the body, known as the ‘donor site,’ to a bald or balding part of the body known as the ‘recipient site.’ It is primarily used to treat male pattern baldness, wherein grafts containing hair follicles that are genetically resistant to balding are transplanted to the bald scalp.

Types of Hair Transplant Procedures

Hair transplantation has evolved significantly over the years, offering various procedures tailored to the individual needs and conditions of patients. The following are the most common types of hair transplant procedures available.

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)

Also known as the strip method, FUT involves removing a strip of scalp from the back of the head and dissecting it into individual follicular units. These units are then implanted into the balding areas. FUT is often preferred for its efficiency in covering larger bald areas in a single session.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

FUE is a more recent and less invasive technique. Each follicular unit is extracted directly from the scalp, rather than from a strip of the scalp. This method reduces scarring and is favored by patients who prefer shorter haircuts or wish to avoid the linear scar associated with FUT.

Direct Hair Implantation (DHI)

DHI is an advanced form of FUE that uses a specialized pen-like instrument to extract and then directly implant the hair follicles into the affected areas. This allows for more precise placement, minimal scarring, and a faster healing process.

Robotic Hair Transplantation

Utilizing state-of-the-art robotic technology, this method enhances the precision of the FUE technique. It automates the process of graft harvesting, which can improve the speed and accuracy of the transplant while minimizing fatigue and error.

Scalp Reduction Surgery

This procedure involves the removal of parts of the bald scalp and stretching the remaining hair-covered skin to replace the removed scalp. It’s often combined with hair transplantation to provide a fuller hair appearance.

Body Hair Transplant (BHT)

For patients with insufficient scalp donor hair, BHT can harvest hair from other body parts such as the chest, back, or legs. These hairs are then transplanted to the scalp. BHT is complex and requires a skilled surgeon experienced in this technique.
Each of these procedures has its advantages and limitations, and the best approach depends on the individual’s hair loss pattern, the quantity and quality of donor hair, lifestyle, and personal preferences.

Ideal Candidates for Hair Transplant

Hair transplant surgery can be a life-changing procedure for those who are self-conscious about hair loss. However, it’s not suitable for everyone. The characteristics of ideal candidates for hair transplant are,

  • Adequate Hair Density at Donor Site

    An ideal candidate should have good hair density at the back and sides of the scalp, which serve as the donor areas. This ensures there are enough hair follicles available for transplantation to the balding areas.

  • Hair Texture

    Individuals with thick and curly hair often achieve better coverage than those with fine hair because thick and curly strands occupy more scalp area, creating a fuller look.

  • Hair Color

    Candidates whose hair color closely matches their scalp color may see better results because the contrast is less noticeable. However, this is not a strict criterion.

  • Age Considerations

    While there's no specific age limit for a hair transplant, it's typically recommended for individuals over 25. This is because hair loss patterns can be unpredictable in younger people.

  • Hair Loss Type and Pattern

    Ideal candidates often have male or female pattern baldness. Hair transplants are less effective for those with diffuse hair loss, alopecia areata, or hair loss due to chemotherapy.

  • Realistic Expectations

    Understanding the procedure’s limitations is crucial. A hair transplant can significantly improve appearance but won’t create 'new' hair; it redistributes existing hair.

  • Good Health

    Candidates should be in good general health to minimize the risk of complications during or after surgery. Chronic health issues may affect candidacy and should be discussed with the surgeon.

  • Non-Smokers or Willing to Quit

    Smoking can hinder healing and affect the outcome of the transplant. Ideal candidates are non-smokers or those willing to quit before and after the procedure.

  • Patience for Growth

    Hair growth following a transplant is a slow process, and candidates need to be prepared for this reality. Full results may not be visible for a year or more.

  • Commitment to Post-Op Care

    Following the surgeon's post-operative care instructions is crucial for the best results. This includes taking prescribed medications, attending follow-up appointments, and properly caring for the scalp.

The Hair Transplant Process

Hair transplantation is a meticulous procedure that involves transferring hair follicles from a part of the body, referred to as the ‘donor site’, to the balding part of the body known as the ‘recipient site’. It’s primarily used to treat male pattern baldness, and here’s how the process generally unfolds
  • Initial Consultation

    The process begins with a consultation with a hair transplant specialist who evaluates your hair loss pattern, discusses your expectations, and determines the best approach for your transplant.

  • Pre-operative Assessment

    Before the surgery, the patient undergoes a thorough health check to ensure they're fit for the procedure. This may include blood tests and an examination of the scalp.

  • Donor Area Preparation

    On the day of the surgery, the donor area, usually at the back of the scalp, is trimmed short so the follicles can be easily accessed and removed.

  • Anesthesia

    Local anesthesia is applied to numb the donor and recipient areas. Some clinics may also offer sedation to keep the patient comfortable during the procedure.

  • Follicle Extraction

    Depending on the technique (FUT or FUE), hair follicles are harvested from the donor area. FUT involves removing a strip of skin with hair follicles, while FUE involves extracting individual follicles directly from the scalp.

  • Graft Preparation

    The extracted follicles, now known as grafts, are meticulously prepared under a microscope. They're sorted by size and prepared for implantation.

  • Recipient Site Creation

    Tiny incisions are made in the recipient area in the direction and pattern that mimic natural hair growth.

  • Graft Implantation

    The prepared grafts are carefully implanted into the incisions in the recipient area. This step requires precision to ensure the hair grows naturally.

  • Immediate Post-Operative Phase

    After the transplant, the scalp is bandaged, and instructions are given for home care. This may include pain management, sleeping positions, and activity restrictions.

  • Follow-Up

    Patients will have scheduled follow-ups to monitor the healing process and evaluate the success of the transplant.

  • Recovery Period

    Initial healing typically takes about two weeks, but it can take up to a year for the full results of the hair growth to be visible.

  • Post-Transplant Care

    Proper care following the procedure is critical. This includes gentle washing, avoiding harsh chemicals or styling practices, and taking prescribed medications to encourage healing and hair growth.

The hair transplant process is a significant commitment, but it can offer dramatic improvements in appearance and self-esteem for those struggling with hair loss.

Benefits of Choosing Hair Transplant

Opting for a hair transplant can offer a range of benefits for individuals facing hair loss, and these benefits are not limited to cosmetic improvements. Here’s a closer look at the advantages of choosing hair transplant surgery
  • Permanent Solution

    Unlike topical treatments or holistic methods, a hair transplant offers a more permanent and reliable solution to hair loss. Once the procedure is complete and the hair begins to grow, it typically continues to do so for a lifetime.

  • Improved Self-Esteem

    Hair loss can lead to a significant loss of self-confidence. A hair transplant can restore not just your hair but also your self-esteem, helping you feel more positive and confident in your appearance.

  • Natural-Looking Results

    Modern hair transplant techniques produce results that look and feel natural. The transplanted hair grows just like your regular hair, blending seamlessly with the existing hair patterns.

  • Low Maintenance

    Transplanted hair works just like normal hair. There are no special shampoos or conditioners needed. After recovery, you can cut, style, and dye it just as you would your natural hair.

  • Cost-Effective in the Long Run

    Though the initial cost may seem high, hair transplants can be more cost-effective than lifelong treatments. Without the need for repetitive purchases of special treatments or temporary cover-up products, the investment in a hair transplant pays off over time.

  • Reduces Balding

    For most patients, the biggest benefit is the permanent end to balding. The troublesome spots are covered, and because the transplanted hairs are resistant to the DHT hormone that causes hair loss, they won’t thin and fall out in the same way that your original hair might

  • One-Time Procedure

    While some patients might choose to have multiple sessions to achieve their desired density, hair transplants are generally a one-time procedure. Most patients will see satisfactory results without the need for repeated treatments.

  • Minimally Invasive with Quick Recovery

    Especially with the FUE method, hair transplants are minimally invasive with a quick recovery period. Many patients can return to work and normal activities within a week.

  • Advanced Techniques

    Technological advancements in hair transplant procedures have led to high success rates and minimized risks, with skilled surgeons able to create more natural-looking hairlines and dense growth

  • Versatility

    Hair transplants are not just for the scalp. They can also be used to restore eyebrows, eyelashes, and beards, providing versatility and aid for various hair loss issues.

Choosing to undergo a hair transplant can not only enhance your appearance but also improve your quality of life. It’s a commitment to a new self, where you no longer need to worry about the psychological impact of hair loss.

Risks and Considerations of Hair Transplant Surgery

Hair transplant surgery, like any surgical procedure, comes with its own set of potential risks and considerations. It’s essential to be well-informed before deciding to proceed. Here’s an overview of what you should keep in mind:
  • Surgical Risks

    As with any surgical procedure, there's a risk of bleeding, infection, and an adverse reaction to anesthesia. Selecting a reputable clinic and experienced surgeon minimizes these risks.

  • Scarring

    While hair transplant techniques have advanced, there's still a risk of scarring. The FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) method is known for leaving a linear scar, whereas the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) method may leave small, dot-like scars that are less noticeable.

  • Graft Failure

    There’s a chance that some of the transplanted hair grafts may not take, which can affect the density and appearance of your hair growth.

  • Infection and Inflammation

    Although rare, there is a risk of infection or inflammation of the hair follicles, known as folliculitis. Proper post-operative care can reduce this risk.

  • Temporary Thinning of Pre-existing Hair

    Sometimes, the shock to the scalp can cause some of the existing hair to fall out, a phenomenon known as shock loss. Although usually temporary, it can affect the initial appearance.

  • Unrealistic Expectations

    Patients must have realistic expectations about the outcome. Hair density and coverage depend on the number of grafts and the quality of the donor hair.

  • Prolonged Recovery

    Recovery times can vary, and some individuals may experience prolonged redness, swelling, or discomfort.

  • Numbness or Itchiness

    Some patients report temporary numbness or itchiness in the treated areas as the nerves heal.

  • Cost and Time

    The procedure can be costly and time-consuming, especially if multiple sessions are required. It's important to consider the financial and time investment when deciding on a hair transplant.

  • Hair Match and Styling Limitations

    In some cases, the transplanted hair may not perfectly match the existing hair in texture or color, and certain hairstyles may need to be avoided to conceal scarring.

  • Progressive Hair Loss

    Patients with pattern baldness may continue to lose non-transplanted hair over time, which could result in unnatural looking hair patterns if further transplants are not performed.

Before proceeding with hair transplant surgery, it’s crucial to discuss all these risks and considerations with your surgeon. They will assess your individual case and inform you about the likelihood of each risk, and how they mitigate these issues to provide a safe and satisfactory outcome. Remember, choosing an experienced surgeon and a reputable clinic significantly decreases complications and enhances the success rate of the procedure.

Recovery and Aftercare Following Hair Transplant Surgery

The success of hair transplant surgery is not just dependent on the skill of the surgeon but also on how well you take care of yourself during the recovery phase. Here’s what you should expect and how to manage the aftercare:
  • Immediate Post-Operative Care

    Right after the procedure, your scalp may be tender, and you may be prescribed pain medication. You’ll likely have bandages over your scalp for at least a day or two, and you may also be prescribed an antibiotic or an anti-inflammatory.

  • Swelling and Bruising

    Swelling of the forehead and around the eyes is common but will usually subside within a few days. Sleeping with your head elevated can help minimize swelling.

  • Washing and Hair Care

    You will be given specific instructions on how to wash your hair without damaging the new grafts. Typically, gentle washing is possible after a couple of days, but vigorous rubbing should be avoided.

  • Crusting and Itching

    As the surgical sites heal, you may notice crusting and itching. It is vital not to scratch or pick at the crusts to prevent damaging the grafts

  • Shedding

    Don’t be alarmed if the transplanted hair sheds within the first few weeks—this is a normal part of the process, and the hair will grow back.

  • Activity Restrictions

    You'll need to refrain from strenuous activity for at least a week (or as advised by your surgeon) to prevent bleeding or swelling.

  • Follow-up Appointments

    You will have follow-up appointments with your surgeon to remove any sutures and check on your healing progress.

  • Hair Growth

    It takes time to see growth. New hair growth can often be seen as early as four months post-operation but typically, the full results of a hair transplant are visible after twelve to eighteen months.

  • Sun Exposure

    Protect the transplant area from direct sun exposure for the first few weeks to prevent irritation and skin damage.

  • Numbness

    Some numbness is normal and will usually diminish within several weeks to months.

  • Scalp Care Products

    Your doctor may suggest specific shampoos or sprays to aid the healing process and support hair growth.

  • Lifestyle

    Healthy lifestyle choices, like a balanced diet and avoiding smoking or heavy drinking, can enhance healing and hair growth.

Remember, the most critical part of aftercare is following your surgeon’s instructions. They have the experience and knowledge about what works best for your unique situation. Keeping in touch with your surgeon’s office and promptly reporting any concerns will also ensure that your recovery is as smooth as possible.

Cost and Financing Options for Hair Transplant in India

The cost of hair transplant surgery in India can vary widely based on several factors. Here’s an overview to help you understand and plan for your procedure financially:

Cost Influencing Factors

Average Cost:
  • The expertise and reputation of the surgeon.
  • Geographic location of the clinic or hospital.
  • The number of grafts needed for the desired fullness.
  • The hair transplant technique used (FUE, FUT, robotic hair restoration, etc.).
  • The extent of the hair loss and the desired hair density.

Average Cost

The price can range from approximately INR 30,000 to INR 1,00,000 or more. Typically, clinics charge per graft, with costs per graft ranging between INR 25 to INR 100 or more.

Financing Options

  • EMI (Equated Monthly Installment): Many hair transplant centers have tie-ups with finance companies to offer EMI options at varying interest rates.
  • Medical Loans: Banks and financial institutions offer medical loans for elective procedures like hair transplants.
  • Credit Cards: Some patients opt to use their credit cards, especially if they offer an interest-free period or rewards.


Hair transplant surgery is generally considered a cosmetic procedure and is not covered by most insurance plans. However, if the hair loss is due to an accident, burn, or disease, partial coverage may be possible. It’s essential to check with your insurance provider.

Quality Over Cost

While cost is an important consideration, it shouldn’t be the only factor in your decision. An experienced surgeon might charge more but also provide better results and lower the risk of complications.


Ensure that the clinic provides a clear and detailed breakdown of all costs before you commit to the surgery to avoid any hidden charges later on.

Reviews and Testimonials

Research and read reviews of past patients regarding their procedures and any financing plans they utilized.

Remember, when it comes to medical procedures like hair transplants, it’s crucial to prioritize quality and safety over finding the cheapest option. Take the time to research and choose a reputable surgeon and clinic that offers a balance of cost-effectiveness and quality care

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, hair transplants are designed to be a permanent solution to hair loss. The transplanted hair follicles are genetically resistant to balding and should continue to grow for a lifetime.
Modern hair transplant techniques aim to achieve a natural-looking hairline. An experienced surgeon will place follicles in a pattern that mimics natural hair growth.
The duration of a hair transplant can vary depending on the number of grafts being transplanted. On average, it can take anywhere from 4 to 8 hours.
FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) involves extracting individual hair follicles and transplanting them, while FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) involves removing a strip of scalp and then harvesting hair follicles to transplant.
Hair transplants are performed under local anesthesia, minimizing pain during the procedure. Some discomfort may be felt after the anesthesia wears off, but this can typically be managed with pain medication.
Most patients can return to work within a few days post-surgery. However, it is recommended to avoid strenuous activities for at least a couple of weeks to ensure proper healing.
It can take several months to see significant results from a hair transplant. Typically, patients notice substantial hair growth within six to nine months post-surgery.
As with any surgery, there are risks such as infection, bleeding, scarring, and unnatural-looking results if not done correctly. Choosing a qualified surgeon can minimize these risks.
Yes, hair transplants are not gender-specific and can be performed on women experiencing hair loss.
The best candidates for hair transplant surgery are those with sufficient donor hair and realistic expectations. A consultation with a hair restoration specialist can help determine your suitability.
These questions are intended to provide a comprehensive understanding of Hair Transplantation, but patients are always encouraged to ask their surgeon any specific questions they have to gain a clear expectation of the procedure, outcomes, and maintenance.